Category: Books
Wicked Saints by Emily A. Duncan, Something Dark and Holy, Book 1
Contains: blood, magic, brutal transformations, angry deities, questions of divinity, vultures, betrayal, love, friendship, cults, and ritual sacrifices.
Butchers by Todd Sullivan
Contains: Korean vampire shenanigans, graphic violence, Natural Police, corporate vampire interests.
Sex and Sexuality in Victorian Britain by Violet Fenn
Contains: copious anecdotes that are no more than what you probably already expect, some uncommonly known information.
The Celestial Assignment by Theresa Braun
Contains: unlikely angels, strong storytelling.
Coleridge by Tom Deady
Contains: mystery, home invasion, lesbians in horror, the secret to immortality.
Cruel Works of Nature by Gemma Amor
Contains: many short stories, meat plants, flaming vengeance, bovine horror, and much, much more.
Blood Red Sky by Paul Kane
Contains: zombie-free apocalypse, dead adults, one blood red sky.
My First Night Worms Package – January 2020: Miscreations
Contains: spooky themed books, stickers, publisher swag, a keychain and some cocoa.
Women’s Work by Chris Crisman
Contains: beautiful photographs, hit-or-miss essays about women who have strong support systems.