I always try to hit themed reading months, but I’m really bad about posting things like recommendations for them. I’m going to try to be better about that. Here’s some queer horror to read for Pride 2022. Starting…
While I don’t identify as queer, I definitely read a looooot of queer horror. I pretty much cut my little baby horror teeth on Poppy Z. Brite and Clive Barker. But, in the last bunch of years, I’ve gotten really into Indie/Small Press queer horror – I feel like it’s kind of the bulk of what I read at this point. So, I’ve got some recs to see you through Pride Month, if you like doing themed reading. I’m focusing on recent releases in the interest of…because I want to. I was going to say I had some intelligent reason for it, but no. I just want to.
So, to start – let’s go with the stuff I already own, but haven’t read yet. My TBR is absurd. But nonetheless I’m very excited for all of these!
This post does contain affiliate links, so if you see something you like and want to pick it up, please click through one of the provided Bookshop links – it’ll give me a small commission which helps me offset the considerable cost of running this website. 😅
*Note: Apparently WordPress has actually gotten less blogger friendly, so my affiliate links can no longer be nice, fancy widgets. Instead just click the book cover, and it will open the Bookshop page for that title in a new tab.*
If you’re unfamiliar with Bookshop, you can check out what makes them so uniquely cool here. I really like their business model.
Queen of Teeth by Hailey Piper
I actually own the now out of print special edition of this from Rooster Republic Press. But you can still pick up the equally gorgeous paperback edition of this Bram Stoker Award winner for Superior Achievement in a First Novel.
A woman with worsening vagina dentata might be subject of a very sketchy experiment by a shady pharmaceutical company. I mean, doesn’t that sound wonderful?? Also, in case you haven’t noticed, I’m a pretty big fan of Hailey’s. You can check out my reviews of some of her other work here.
Your Body is Not Your Body edited by Alex Woodroe and Matt Blairstone
Your Body is Not Your Body features short stories from more than 30 trans or gender non-conforming writers.
This one is not available on Bookshop. It is only available (as far as I know) through the Tenebrous Press Website – I’ve still linked through the image though.
It is for a VERY worthy cause. Proceeds from this anthology go to Equality Texas to combat the attempts of the Texas government to criminalize Trans youth.
Unfortunate Elements of My Anatomy by Hailey Piper
I refuse to apologize for multiple Hailey Piper entries on this list. This is my TBR, dammit – and I love her work.
In Unfortunate Elements of My Anatomy, you will find 18 stories “tracing the dark veins of queer horror, isolation, and the monstrous feminine.”
The Wingspan of Severed Hands by Joe Koch
A nameless cult, a world gone mad, cosmic battles. What else could you ask for? I’ve got really limited experience with Joe’s work, but the experience I do have tells me he knows how to write an incredibly immersive story.
The Dead and the Dark by Courtney Gould

Teens disappearing from a small Oregon town and ghost hunters. If that’s not the premise of a good time then I don’t know what is!
The Luminous Dead by Caitlin Starling

Space. Caves. Isolation. Horror. Space-cave-isolation-horror! Omg it’s pretty much just all the best things. Like Alien in caves.
Well, that about wraps up the stuff I was able to easily locate in my completely terrifying (in size) TBR. Did you see anything you’re dying to read? If so, remember: I wouldn’t hate if you clicked the image and bought it through my Bookshop affiliate link. 😁
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