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Howls From the Dark Ages

Edited by P.L. McMillan and Solomon Forse


Uncover the secret annals of untold history in the eighteen medieval manuscripts contained within Howls From the Dark Ages. Each tortured scribe will bring you face to face with ancient horrors lurking in cursed castles, wild woodlands, haunted hamlets, and mysterious monasteries.

Including a lineup of authors both established and emerging, HOWL Society Press presents the first-ever anthology of historical horror from the medieval period, fittingly introduced by the writer who arguably started it all: Christopher Buehlman, author of the medieval horror epic Between Two Fires.

Trigger Warnings:

Hover for Trigger Warnings

My Edition:

ARC provided by Net Galley

My Thoughts:

Howls From the Dark Ages starts the reader off on a sort of Tales From the Crypt format. By this I mean that the collection itself, and within it each story, is introduced by a narrator. The narrator is taking the reader through a collection of macabre curiosities, each of which directly ties to the story it leads into. This is such a fun way to handle an anthology, and a device that I wouldn’t hate seeing more often in collections like this.

Although there wasn’t a story here that I didn’t find incredibly entertaining, there were a few standouts for me. I have presented these in no particular order. As mentioned, I read Howls From the Dark Ages some time ago, and I’m working off my hastily scribbled notes here, which are never reliably in any sort of order:

  • Palette by J. L. Kiefer – seriously, could cosmetic practices from the middle ages be any more horrifying?! (probably, but let’s ignore that) Did you know that lead was a common cosmetic ingredient? It sure was – and it was applied super liberally to often horrific ends, as will forever be imprinted upon your psyche after reading this gem.
  • Angelus by Philippa Evans – a delightfully disgusting story centered around witch panic involving a young girl. Truly grim, and beautifully written exploration of injustice and religious/moral fervor.
  • The King of Youth vs. The Knight of Death by Patrick Barb – A sort of medieval Lord of the Flies, but with more lore. Really great stuff.

That is a very small list of a few of my absolute favorites, but seriously, this is a stellar collection. Every story is both gross and engrossing (haha, see what I did there?). Howls From the Dark Ages is a perfect example of not knowing you needed something (medieval horror stories) until you have them in your grubby little paws. Now you must treasure them forever.


Rating: 5 out of 5.

With a whopping 18 stories inside these pages, Howls From the Dark Ages is not for the faint of heart. These stories get surprisingly gnarly, and I think you’re gonna love them. This is a really well written, well edited, and well compiled group of stories.

Howls From the Dark Ages
Edited by: P.L. McMillan, Solomon Forse
Howl Society Press
Published: May 12, 2022
ISBN: 9781736780039
Hardcover, Paperback, E-book, Audio
352 Pages
Author: Angie
Stranger Sights is a genre entertainment blog. It is run by me, Angie, and all opinions you'll find here are my own.

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