A Misfortune of Lake Monsters cover on Stranger Sights holo sticker with YA and Horror VHS stickers

A Misfortune of Lake Monsters by Nicole M. Wolverton


When legends bite back…

Lemon Ziegler wants to escape rural Devil’s Elbow, Pennsylvania to attend college―but that’s impossible now that she’s expected to impersonate the town’s lake monster for the rest of her life. Her family has been secretly keeping the tradition of Old Lucy, the famed (and very fake) monster of Lake Lokakoma, alive for generations, all to keep the tourists coming. Without Lemon, the town dies, and she can’t disappoint her grandparents . . . or tell her best friends about any of it. That includes Troy Ramirez, who has been covertly in love with Lemon for years, afraid to ruin their friendship by confessing his feelings.

When a very real, and very hungry monster is discovered in the lake, secrets must fall by the wayside. Determined to stop the monster, Lemon and her best friends are the only thing standing between Devil’s Elbow and the monster out for blood.

My Edition:

Print ARC provided by the author (thank you, Nicole!)

My Thoughts:

A Misfortune of Lake Monsters is a wonderful example of YA Horror. There are some fairly complex (but wholly relatable) themes throughout the story – tradition vs. evolution, human relationships, and familial bonds just to name a few. But the thematic elements don’t get in the way of the reader’s immersion into the story, which can be a difficult line for some authors to toe. But Wolverton does it with aplomb.

She has such skill for character- and world-building. Lemon, Troy, Darrin, and Amelia are all instantly likeable. And Lemon’s grandmother seems like a super-sweet, badass lady. And Devil’s Elbow is the kind of town you might find instantly relatable as well. It’s a quaint little tourist town filled with quaint little people (and a giant jerks just like anywhere). But like all tourist towns, it has its one thing, and nothing (NOTHING) is gonna get in the way of that one thing that keeps the town afloat. Nothing, you hear?

And as an aside, I love cryptids (I’m a sucker for Mothman in particular – mf-er is CAKED 🍰 iykyk). I also think Nicole Wolverton is great. And I love the kind of writing that consumes all of my attention. Which A Misfortune of Lake Monsters certainly did. I picked it up and didn’t put it down again until the story concluded. I guess what I’m saying is that A Misfortune of Lake Monsters hit several high points for me. Also, how cute is that little care package Nicole sent? Love it.


Rating: 4.5 out of 5.

A fun, unexpected summertime horror story. Like Jaws, only simultaneously older and younger. Don’t ask me what I meant by that. You’ll just have to read the book.

A Misfortune of Lake Monsters
By Nicole M. Wolverton
CamCat Publishing
Publishes: July 2, 2024
ISBN: 9780744309584
Hardcover, Paperback, E-book
304 Pages
Author: Angie
Stranger Sights is a genre entertainment blog. It is run by me, Angie, and all opinions you'll find here are my own.

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