2 linework people on a dark background.

Peel Back and See by Mike Thorn


In spaces both familiar and strange, unknowable horrors lurk. From the recesses of the Internet, where cosmic terror shows its face on an endless live feed, to a museum celebrating the sordid legacy of an occultist painter, this chilling collection of sixteen short stories will plunge you into the eerie, pessimistic imagination of Mike Thorn. Peel Back and See urges its readers to look closer, to push past surface-level appearances and face the things that stir below.

Other books I’ve read by Mike Thorn

Trigger Warnings:

Hover for Trigger Warnings

My Edition:

E-ARC provided by the author

My Thoughts:

Out of this entire collection, I feel like VOMITUS BACCHANALIUS was probably my favorite. Sounds fun, right? It is. And yucky. And wonderful.

Peel Back and See is chock-full of fantastic stories though. Not all of them about vomiting. In fact, there are no other stories about vomiting, in case you’re wondering. Just the one. But that one is WILD.

You’ll also get stories about muses, dreams, falling in with a bad crowd, haunted houses, finger-snatching, and much, much more.

I think the central theme here is that we are peeling back the layers of society, and of humanity, to see what lies beneath – and it ain’t pretty.


Rating: 4 out of 5.

You should check this out. And everything else Mike Thorn does.

Peel Back and See
By Mike Thorn
Published: October 29, 2021
ISBN: 9781685100094
Paperback, E-Book
213 Pages
Author: Angie
Stranger Sights is a genre entertainment blog. It is run by me, Angie, and all opinions you'll find here are my own.

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